Joyce Craig for Governor


I am proud to say that this is a people-powered campaign – and the numbers back this statement up.

My average donation is just $32! That means that I am not funding my campaign through a couple of big checks from some wealthy special interests groups.

My campaign is fueled by supporters like you, who believe in my vision for New Hampshire.

On the other hand, my opponent, Kelly Ayotte, is owned by anti-choice Republicans. Her average donation is over $2,000, which means her campaign is fueled by wealthy donors who are buying her policies with their donations.

Unlike Kelly Ayote, I can’t be bought. I work for the people of New Hampshire and that is it. We possess the grassroots momentum needed to flip New Hampshire blue, and I am excited to witness what we can achieve in the coming months.

At present, meeting our end-of-January fundraising goal will ensure that we kick off 2024 with strength. If you could contribute $32, the average donation to my campaign, or any amount before our deadline, I would be incredibly grateful.

Thank you so much,
