Dear friends:


We know this is a stressful and frightening time for many Americans. We hope you and your family are staying safe as the country continues to grapple with the spread of COVID-19.

With so much happening, we wanted to let you know what the AGs are doing to help our communities address the challenges we are facing. Democratic AGs are on the front lines of the response and continue to provide guidance in their roles as chief legal officer in their states:

  • Democratic AGs are in court fighting to save the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which is currently keeping costs down and providing critical coverage for necessary testing and treatment.
  • Democratic AGs are holding scammers accountable and sounding the alarm to consumers to report price gouging and other harmful practices.
  • Democratic AGs won a temporary injunction blocking the Trump administration from enforcing stricter work requirements on food stamp recipients.
  • Democratic AGs are pushing the Trump administration to delay the public-charge rule, which establishes the criteria for who can get green cards based on whether they use or are expected to use government benefits, such as food stamps, Medicaid and subsidized housing,
  • Democratic AGs are working with local communities to combat discrimination being felt by Asian American communities and businesses.

    As this crisis continues to unfold, Democratic AGs will continue working together to protect vulnerable communities and make sure the public has accurate, up-to-date information about how to stay safe.

    We at DAGA urge you and your family to continue to heed the advice of the CDC and other public health authorities. You can find the latest recommendations and information on the CDC’s website here.

    Thank you so much for your support of Democratic AGs and we hope you and your family stay safe.

    Thank you,

    Team DAGA

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