Hello -- 

This public health emergency our country is grappling with is simply unprecedented -- and it requires all of us to step up for one another, especially our most vulnerable friends and neighbors.

One of the best ways you can make a difference is by making a donation to frontline organizations addressing the critical, emergency needs of our fellow citizens during this crisis.

The Food Bank of the Rockies is working overtime to distribute food and supplies to those most in need. Food insecurity is going to be a major problem in the coming weeks, especially for our elderly or those who have lost their jobs this month.

With the worst of this crisis still ahead of us, anything you can do to support those in need will make a huge difference. So, I’m asking you to chip in what you can here:

If you are financially able, please make a contribution to the Food Bank of the Rockies. Your donation will go to immediately ensure people in our community have the food they need during this pandemic.

If we’re going to spread anything during this tough moment in time, it’s going to be hope and compassion, not fear. Thanks again for stepping up today and for being a part of our team.

Stay safe,

— John