It should go without saying, folks, but education is a human right.
Everyone benefits when everyone, regardless of background or income, has access to a high-quality education. It’s that simple.
But all over the country, book bans are making front-page news. A small group of extremist nutjobs are leading the charge to ban books about racial justice, LGBTQ+ stories, and accurate U.S. history.
From January to August of last year, there were attempts to censor over 1,900 library book titles across the country.
Enough is enough, folks.
We’re sick of these wackadoos cutting off valuable educational resources. Will you stand with us and let your state legislators know it’s time to put an end to senseless book bans?
Book bans are never remembered well in history. Let’s work to put an end to them before it’s too late.
Do you have a favorite banned book? Let us know here. The NextGen team loves The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas and The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.
Thanks for standing with us,
NextGen America