Your Storm Heaven Intentions Today!

Dear Friend,
What intentions will you submit
that His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke will include in his Holy Mass
and Holy Rosary, from his private chapel in Rome, Italy that will be
streamed live?
Mark your calendar to join Rosary
Warriors across the world next Thursday, the 1st
of February, at 7:00 AM in Rome, Italy. You will be able to assist at the Holy Mass,
which will air LIVE
on our website as well as
our YouTube and Facebook platforms. A link to view the Holy Mass LIVE
will be available before February 1st, which will be emailed next
Please take time to submit your new
intentions now to be presented for the Operation Storm Heaven Mass and
Holy Rosary to be offered on Thursday, February
1, the traditional feast of
St. Ignatius of Antioch. Remember to add an intention that many graces
will be bestowed upon Cardinal Burke.
Be assured that His Eminence
Cardinal Raymond Burke and the thousands of Rosary Warriors from
around the world will be praying in unison for all of your
intentions. United, we are a powerful army, knocking at the gates of
In our Catholic Church, Fridays are
devoted to the Passion of Jesus, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Divine
Mercy. The month of February in the traditional calendar is dedicated
to the Passion of Our Lord.
Ash Wednesday will be upon us in
less than three weeks. Take some time now to prepare for Lent, so that
you do not spend the first week discerning your course of
Meditate upon these words from a
homily Cardinal Burke preached on the Passion of Our Lord:
“Let us reflect upon the mystery of
Christ’s Suffering and Dying, the mystery of His Royal Heart, pierced
after He given up His life for us on the Cross. Reflecting upon the
Way of the Cross, let us unite to the sufferings of Christ the
sufferings which we bear in our lives and the sufferings of our
brothers and sisters throughout the world. In a particular way, let us
unite to the sufferings of Christ the sufferings of His Mystical Body,
the Church, which is passing through a time of pervasive confusion and
error, with their fruits which are division, apostasy, and schism.
Uniting our sufferings to Christ’s Passion and Death, let us pray for
ourselves and for our brothers and sisters in the Church and in the
world, that we may have an undivided heart, a heart totally united to
the Heart of Jesus, a humble heart which is not put to shame, for it
belongs completely to God, trusting in His Providence and praying:
“But you, O Lord, be not far off! O my help, hasten to my
Thank you for being part of
Cardinal Burke's Rosary Crusade, Operation Storm
Heaven. There are 15 Promises
Our Lady gave to those who pray the Holy Rosary. Therefore, I
encourage you to recite the Holy Rosary every day as Our Lady
requested, if you do not do so already. Our website has extensive
content for your review, as well as the prayers and
click here to send your new intentions before the
1st of February.
Your family members, loved ones and
friends may have intentions that they would like to submit, so please
forward this email and ask them to click here.
United with the sufferings of

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
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P.S. - If
you have not already signed up, click
here to receive a link to
the upcoming livestream of Operation Storm Heaven.