We’re back today with some more pieces from our divorce issue. And this time, we’re taking a more personal approach. Because everybody’s experience is unique, right? First up: a thoughtful piece by Meg Raby, looking back at her previous marriage. “I once read that not everyone goes around with a constant internal dialogue inside their head and was dumbfounded. That sounds peaceful… and bizarre,” she writes. “Alas, I am (drumroll) not one of those people. Constant, I mean constant, dialogue is happening inside my brain. I'm neurodivergent and have a tendency toward hyper-empathy; I am (is that drumroll still going on?) emotional and, at times, anxious.” The problem? “For a long time this quality of mine was seen as a negative by my then-husband.” And now she’s reflecting on what she wishes he’d understood at the time. Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor |