Dear John,

Urge your local government to support a ceasefire in Gaza! This could hardly be more urgent. People in Gaza are dying from violence and from disease and hunger in huge numbers that threaten to grow. Email your local government officials today!

Earlier this week, SEIU became the largest union in the nation to demand a ceasefire. “Our call for a ceasefire is a call for peace,” SEIU President Mary Kay Henry declared. Today, CWA joined the call, bringing the total number of workers represented by unions demanding a ceasefire to at least 4.2 million. "We urgently call for a stop to the ongoing siege of Gaza and strongly support a ceasefire, the release of all hostages, and the opportunity to deliver humanitarian aid," CWA's Executive Board said. "As always, it is working people who are most unable to escape the violence of war."

From People's World and

Party clubs are active all across the country in the fight for a ceasefire:

Ceasefire movement steadily growing in Northeastern Jersey

San Diego club lobbies for ceasefire

D.C. CP joins press conference demanding a ceasefire resolution

Minneapolis City Council passes veto-proof ceasefire resolution

Hudson Valley CP demands a ceasefire

Chicago Mayor calls for a ceasefire

Representing more than 2.5 million people, Mayor Brandon Johnson called for a ceasefire as the city's alderpersons deliberate on a council resolution. 49 cities and counties representing more than 8.5 million people have already issued such calls. If your local government has not yet made the demand, the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) has created a toolkit to help you make that happen.


National political support

65 members of Congress, including 5 Senators, have now called for a ceasefire or cessation of hostilities. Of those, 18 are co-sponsors of Rep. Cori Bush's resolution. Meanwhile, more then 1,000 USAID officials have also joined the callAre your Senators and Reps. signed on? If not, call them today and every day!

South Africa: We Charge Genocide

Countries supporting South Africa genocide case

Court verdict: Israel must "take all measures" to not violate the Genocide Convention, must "prevent and punish" incitements to commit genocide, and must enable the provision of basic services and humanitarian assistance. The court has also required Israel to submit a report on measures taken.

State and local electeds

Over 175 state and local elected officials around urged Biden to immediately call for a permanent ceasefire. Are your local elected officials on the list? If not, tell them to sign on today at

Got more news and photos to share?

Please send more reports and pictures showing local party and YCL involvements in the struggle for a ceasefire to [email protected].

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