“Trump’s Failed Coup Puts Him In The Same Category As Confederate Traitors”

Friend: Do you agree with Rachel Maddow that January 6th was a coup against the United States?

Rachel Maddow

Yes! >>
No >>

**Answer is due by 11:59 PM. Failure to respond will result in an automatic “NO” response**

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow just released a BOMBSHELL report detailing Trump’s involvement in the January 6th riots.

She even declared January 6th a coup against the United States government and called for Donald Trump to be arrested!

Rachel Maddow: [Donald Trump], you may invite criminal charges at the federal level for inciting a violent attack against the U.S. government, which would put you in prison for decades.

With overwhelming support for Rachel Maddow, we could pressure Attorney General Merrick Garland to pursue charges to arrest Donald Trump!

Do you agree with Rachel Maddow that January 6th was a coup against the United States?

Yes! >>
No >>

Thank you for taking a stand.


Thank you for supporting March On PAC, Friend. Our women-led team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win in 2020. Now, we're gearing up to win again by taking back the House, saving the Senate, and defeating Donald Trump once and for all!!!

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