Future Coalition is the leading organization behind progressive youth activism. Our intergenerational team is providing young people with the tools, resources, and support to power their ideas and amplify their impact around the nation.

Dear Friend,


This week marks the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which made it easier for millions of Americans to access safe and legal abortions when it was decided in 1973.


Now, nearly two years after the reversal of Roe v. Wade, 21 states have enacted near-total bans or restrictions on abortion.

While states like Ohio have voted to save abortion access with ballot initiatives, Republican lawmakers have tried to challenge the election results – and even write every single abortion protection out of these new laws.


The Supreme Court refuses to protect our reproductive rights. State lawmakers take every opportunity to restrict access to reproductive care – and even overturn the will of our votes.


So we’re calling on our U.S. Senators to codify the right to abortion in federal law and end statewide bans – will you join us by taking action now?

Take 2 minutes to contact your Senators and demand that Roe v. Wade be codified into federal law now >>

Thank you for your advocacy.

Future Coalition

Thank you for being a strong supporter of Future Coalition, Friend!

The historic youth voter turnout of 2020 and 2022 has proven that young people hold power in shaping our political future. Now, our intergenerational team is working 24/7 to amplify youth impact and mobilize record numbers of youth political participation in November.

Our on-the-ground work would not be possible without the support of folks who share our vision of transformative change, powered by young people. We’re gearing up to mobilize millions of youth voters ahead of the November election, and we need your support.

Rush a donation to Future Coalition now to boost youth political participation >>

Paid for by Future Coalition