Ross For Maine

Lives and livelihoods are at stake.

John —

Mitch McConnell took a three day weekend — and delayed the passage of meaningful relief for millions of American workers — instead of responding to one of the greatest crises our country has faced in decades.

A real leader would have been banging down Mitch McConnell’s door and demanding access to the care and resources that Mainers need. Susan Collins chose to take a three day weekend instead.

Sign the petition — we deserve a senator who’s ready to go to work every day for their constituents — not take a day off in a crisis >>>

Enough is enough. Lives are at stake, but Susan Collins, Mitch McConnell, and the Republican Senate majority would rather stand by the president than stand up for their constituents.

We’ve taken our campaign online to practice social distancing to keep Mainers engaged and safe at the same time. That’s because we’re in this fight, working together to get Mainers the help we need.

Thank you for your support,

Ross LaJeunesse



Paid for by Ross for Maine
Ross for Maine
P.O. Box 1163,
Biddeford, ME 04005
United States

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