Next week, the Senate Finance Committee is voting on the nomination to the Social Security Advisory Board of a man that the New York Times Editorial Board has called “a zealous advocate of privatizing Social Security.”
This is Mitch McConnell’s pick to oversee Social Security, and it comes just as there is renewed momentum for a closed-door commission to cut Social Security and Medicare!
Social Security Works is launching an all-out campaign to block privatizer Andrew Biggs’ nomination. Can you rush a donation today?
As a reminder, Andrew Biggs:
Was instrumental in the Bush admin’s 2005 attempt to privatize Social Security
Advocated for raising the retirement age in 2013
Supports means-testing Social Security
Has dismissed the looming retirement income crisis as a “non issue”
And supported Donald Trump’s move to unilaterally defund Social Security
Biggs will be a loud voice for privatization on the Social Security Advisory Board, just as Republicans are pushing behind closed doors to cut or privatize Social Security and Medicare. His nomination must be stopped!
Can you rush a donation to Social Security Works today to make sure that we block this dangerous nomination?
Thank you,
Alex Lawson Social Security Works