February 2024
Andy Cutko at Popham Beach State Park shortly after the January storms.
January?s headlines of battered wharves and coastal homes grabbed our attention and echoed December?s news of near-record flooding on the Kennebec and Androscoggin Rivers. Beyond those impacts on homes and businesses, many of the state?s recreational assets endured some of the heaviest storm damage on record. Coastal parks suffered significant erosion and dune loss, and a long-standing boardwalk accessing the beach at Reid State Park was consumed by the ocean. Piers at Eagle Island Historic Site and Fort Point State Park were destroyed. Our team has been on the ground with assessors from federal and state emergency management agencies to assess the coastal damage further. Meanwhile, Public Lands staff and snowmobile and ATV clubs continue to evaluate and repair the considerable destruction of forest roads, culverts, and bridges from flooding associated with the December 18 storm.
BPL staff on the remains of the boardwalk at Reid State Park after the January storms.
The increasing frequency and intensity of storms and rising sea levels provide some ground-truthing to projections that climate scientists have been making for years. Moreover, these storms have jump-started and amplified ongoing and vital conversations about resilience, adaptation, and living with a new normal. How do we safeguard critical ecological and recreational resources while giving nature space to adapt, and what is the balance between avoidance, adaptation, protection, and retreat? There are no easy answers, but I?m confident that the state?s experienced and dedicated team and partners will make the most informed decisions.
~ Andy Cutko, Director, Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands
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On February 1*?camping reservations will open at 9:00 a.m. EST?for only?Lily Bay and Sebago Lake State Park campgrounds.?Make your reservations online at?www.CampWithME.com
*Storm Date if Maine State Government is closed - Friday, February 2, 2024.
On February 6** camping reservations will open at 9:00 a.m. EST for all State Park campgrounds.?Make your reservations online at?www.CampWithME.com
**Storm Date if Maine State Government is closed - Wednesday, February 7, 2024.
Online reservations are not available for Group Camping or Picnic Shelter Reservations. Please call the park directly.
*Storm Date if Maine State Government is closed - Friday, February 2, 2024.
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Abby Andreasen is BPL's Planning and Research Associate
The Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL) congratulates Abby Andreasen on her new role within BPL as the Planning and Research Associate for the Bureau. In this position she will provide essential support for all Bureau divisions and help coordinate complex projects, technical reports, and data management. Abby started her career with BPL in 2016 at Popham Beach State Park and subsequently gained experience at Bradbury Mountain and Mackworth Island State Parks. During the winter season she served in the Campground Reservations Center and in the words of her supervisor, "instantly became an asset to our operation" and was hired on year-round. Most recently, Abby managed the Reservations System and Call Center staff through the very busy 2022 and 2023 seasons.
In her spare time Abby likes to hike, work in her garden, and continues to visit and learn about the State Parks, Historic Sites, and Public Lands stewarded by the Bureau.
~ Andy Cutko, Director, Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands.
Rex Turner Becomes Director of Planning and Acquisitions
The Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands pleased to announce Rex Turner as the Director of Planning and Acquisitions. He is now responsible for land acquisition, land management planning, policy/program development, and conservation easement monitoring. Turner brings an impressive background to the position, having served as BPL's Outdoor Recreation Planner since 2008. In that position, Turner led the Maine State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), qualifying Maine to receive federal Land and Water Conservation funds and satisfying state legislative requirements associated with monitoring trends in outdoor recreation. Rex also provided guidance for BPL's outdoor recreation management efforts, served as a liaison to nonprofit and federal trail managers, and augmented BPL's public information efforts.
Beyond his professional accomplishments, Rex serves as a Board Member with the Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals, a nationwide organization providing leadership for the outdoor recreation profession through skill development, networking, and technical guidance. He also volunteers extensively with several youth sports organizations in the Capital Area. Rex has previously worked as a Professional Maine Guide, an educator, and an outdoor writer. Rex earned a Master of Forestry and a B.S. in Recreation and Parks Management from the University of Maine's School of Forest Resources.
We welcome and congratulate Rex in his new role with BPL!
~ Andy Cutko, Director, Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands
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Imagine being immersed in the wilderness of the Allagash Wilderness Waterway for two weeks of artistic inspiration and creativity, and staying at the historic cabin where for 28 summers, the cabin was home to Dorothy Boone Kidney and her husband, Milford, who provided information to canoeists and tended the dam. Dorothy wrote two books about their life here: Lock Dam, Wilderness Journal: Life, Living, Contentment in the Allagash Woods of Maine and Away From it All.
Read all the details and apply.
~?Mark Deroche, Superintendent of the Allagash Wilderness Waterway
Two Maine State Park Ski & Snowshoe Trailers make the rounds each winter to loan equipment to park visitors during winter events and for self-led trail activities. View the ski & snowshoe trailer schedule. |
Mount Blue State Park boasts the prettiest little ice rink in Maine! It is located at 299 Center Hill Road, Maine at the park headquarters.
Click on the image above to download the event flyer.
Are you ready for a winter outdoor extravaganza? Folks of all identities, abilities, and experience levels are welcome to join us for a day of fun and learning in the Maine outdoors! Whether you are a part of the queer community or an outdoor ally, you're invited!
Come give ice fishing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, birding and wildlife tracking a try! Then get snowcial by the campfire with s'mores, cocoa, entertainment, door prizes, contests and more!
Registration is free and instruction and gear will be provided. Visit outdoorallies2024.eventbrite.com to find more information, a schedule of activities, and to register for this free event. See you on the ice!
~?This is a Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife event in partnership with the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands.
Our Maine State Park Lifeguard Coordinator, Sean Vaillancourt, will be leading American Red Cross Lifeguard Courses this winter. Use the certificate to become a Maine State Park lifeguard, and the Bureau of Parks and Lands will reimburse the certification expense at the end of the 2024 season. Learn more by texting or calling Sean at (207) 557-2391. Download the Lifeguard Brochure.
~ Sean Vaillancourt, Popham Beach State Park Manager & Maine State Park Lifeguard Coordinator
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In response to the recent?climate related damage across the state, grant deadlines have been extended as noted below.
Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) The requirement to request a project eligibility assessment by Dec 31, 2023 for a June 30, 2024 application will be extended into this year. The request for an eligibility assessment must still be made and the assessment performed, but this will make the LWCF program available to projects for which the need wasn?t apparent until the storm raised the issue. Still, it is recommended that requests be made sooner than later in order to allow sufficient time to draft a competitive application. FMI: Visit the LWCF webpage.
Recreational Trails Program (RTP) Also, in response to recent storm damage, the Recreational Trails Program will advance its project application deadline from the end of September, 2024, to the end of June 2024. This will make RTP assistance available to projects in a much timelier manner, with project agreements out in time for fall construction, if not also RFP?s resulting in contracts for early 2025 project commencement. This three month adjustment makes funding available up to a full year sooner. FMI: Visit the RTP webpage.
~ Doug Beck, Outdoor Recreation Program Manager
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Photo above: example of a an ATV trail inspection. Photo below: an ATV club ride.
Marc Costantine, President of the Moosehead ATV Club, recently formally acknowledged the Bureau's ATV Trail Coordinators Bill Beeaker and James Turner, as well as Maine ATV Program Manager Brian Bronson, for their outstanding assistance in helping the Club during its most ambitious and successful year maintaining 95 miles of trails in the Greenville area, and especially for the progress made in both safety and environmental compliance.?
Bill Beaker reflected on the team effort that goes in to maintaining a statewide ATV trail system, from the individual club members to collaboration of staff throughout the Bureau, and how much he values club participation in the trail inspection process.
Thank you to Bill, James and Brian for their work and dedication!
~ Ron Hunt, Director of Operations, BPL
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Big Falls. Photo courtesy of Trust for Public Land.
The Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands (BPL), along with Royal River Conservation Trust (RRCT) and Trust for Public Land (TPL), is pleased to announce the conservation of 200 acres in New Gloucester and Auburn, Maine. The protected properties, which feature scenic brooks, waterfalls, and an extensive trail network, have been permanently protected for outdoor recreation and to conserve these special woodland, wetland, and wildlife habitats.
The conservation project, now called Talking Brook Public Land, consists of a 156-acre parcel, which has been managed by private land owners and open to the public for years, and a 44-acre parcel, formerly known as the Big Falls Preserve, which the Royal River Conservation Trust is donating.?Continue reading.
Talking Brook. Photo courtesy of Trust for Public Land.
In this month when we are reminded to share the love, a few BPL staff are sharing with you their most loved locations that the Bureau of Parks and Lands cares for. We hope it inspires you to send us your photos of the BPL places that are near and dear to your heart and why you love them! Email us at [email protected] and please put Locations We Love in the subject line.
Please Note:??By participating you give permission to BPL/DACF to share the photo, crediting you, in future newsletters or media postings. All submitted photos must be you own original work.
Thank you! ~ Jocelyn Hubbell, Interpretive Specialist, BPL
Fourth Machias Lake part of the headwaters of the Machias River Corridor. Photo submitted by Doug Reed.
Reid State Park (currently closed for storm damage repair) photo submitted by Ralph Wilkinson. He says he loves Reid "becuase it is wild and unpredictable, which reminds me of the days of my youth."
Looking eastward to Moosehead Lake from the Eagle Rock hiking trail. Photo submitted by Rex Turner. He says, ?I love the Moosehead Lake Region as it is a regenerative place where I learned to flyfish, where the river I know best gets its origins, where adventures await year-round, where family memories flood back, and where wildness and beauty abound.?
Gear up with Maine State Parks apparel and consider gifting it to your loved ones this February to show your love for the iconic parks for which Maine is renowned. Hoodies, t-shirts and caps in a variety of colors are available at our?online store.
Send article suggestions or newsletter comments to?Jocelyn Hubbell, Interpretive Specialist, webmaster, and newsletter editor for the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands.
Read back issues of the newsletter.