From Clarion Project <[email protected]>
Subject Special Email - Free Clarion Films, Podcasts & More
Date March 22, 2020 4:52 PM
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We are delighted to provide our programs and media for free to continue the fight against extremism, especially in these very worrying times. 

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Clarion Project Offers Free Home Program Series
Dear Friend,

We hope you and your families are safe and well. In this time of great uncertainty, I wanted you to know that there is one constant you can rely on, Clarion Project.

Now more than ever we are not taking our eye off the ball and are continuing with our important work to keep America safe from the threat of ideological extremism.

Our team is working hard to provide you with a program of free content and educational events, including streaming links to our documentaries, new podcasts, YouTube ([link removed][UNIQID]) series, and webinars with our spokespeople and subject-matter experts.

Of course, our website ([link removed][UNIQID]) and Facebook ([link removed][UNIQID]) will be constantly updated with opinion pieces and analysis on exposing and challenging radical Islam and ideological extremism.

We will keep you updated on all our activities, so look out for our special emails.

Wishing you and yours good health and strength.


Richard Green
Executive Director
Clarion Project

The Psychology of Terrorism Short Film Series ([link removed][UNIQID])
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In this 11-part series ([link removed][UNIQID]) , we investigate what makes a person pick up a gun and become a terrorist. Watch first-hand accounts of people who were radicalized and became terrorists and hear the stories of the families destroyed by their decisions.

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