This is appalling and irresponsible behavior. Instead of working with Democrats—who have been developing compromise border security legislation for months—Jordan and the rest of the MAGA mob simply want to grandstand and try to score cheap political points.
A woman and two children drowned in that area two weeks ago—and according to reporting, federal officials were physically prevented from coming to their aid by Texas state National Guard officers, at the order of GOP Gov. Greg Abbott.
I want to reiterate this. A woman and her TWO children died because a bunch of men who call themselves “pro-life” decided that their lives didn’t matter. How this is not sparking mass outrage across this country is simply beyond my understanding.
Hypocrites like Jim Jordan make me sick. And I’m not alone: every single voter my team and I talk to about the issues, the stakes, and about crises like this that are caused by Republicans to stir up fear are disgusted by what they see. They are angry, and ready for a change.
I am the person that can deliver that change. I can, and will, beat Jim Jordan. And how we are going to do that starts with us and what we do now in moments like these.
I will fight for our rights, for ALL human rights, and will never back down from petty games like these that harm people’s lives. If you’re with me, I need your support now more than ever—join this movement with a contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more: