Team —

Now that Donald Trump is officially the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, we have our work cut out for us.

We know that campaigning on his Stephen Miller-crafted anti-immigrant agenda has been successful for the twice-impeached, 4-time criminally indicted wannabe dictator.

But his dangerous rhetoric paints immigrants as outsiders, scapegoats, and enemies of the U.S. It leaves communities nationwide living in fear for their lives and their futures every day.

That’s why I’m here doing this critical work. That’s why my colleagues get up in the morning. And that’s why members of this movement generously support NILC-IJF and ensure our efforts are well-resourced. 

We’ve been fortunate to receive an incredible number of grassroots donations over the years. For that, we are eternally grateful.

But to be completely transparent, where we’re falling short is the strength of our sustaining donor program.

Our strategic decisions, program development, opposition research, and more come down to the funds we raise each month, and monthly gifts that we can rely on make up most of that support.

Knowing that monthly donations are crucial to our movement in every way, will you join NILC Immigrant Justice Fund’s sustaining donor program today? A monthly gift of $5, $10, or more makes an incredible impact on our work.


Whether you are in a position to join our sustaining donor program, make a one-time gift, or you took the time to read our email — thank you for being here!

Let’s keep pushing forward.

Bri Gillis
Vice President, Political Strategy
NILC Immigrant Justice Fund