

Donald Trump is going against his own rhetoric about fixing the border crisis and killing the bill to stop the border and fentanyl crisis. 

Trump’s only motive is to use this as an election issue for his personal political gain.


OH-7’s Rep. Max Miller is an extension of Trump in Congress. He's a huge part of Trump's efforts to put his own stooges in Congress. He's sided with Trump at every turn, including in Trump's attacks on democracy and women's rights.


Max has postured about the border crisis at every turn. Max Miller stands with Trump using border security and the fentanyl crisis as mere tools for political purposes. He is unfit to be our Representative.


Ohio deserves better than divisive politics that exploit real dangers to our country for personal gain. We need a representative who is committed to addressing these issues with sincerity and working towards solutions that benefit all Ohioans.


A Trump and Max Miller re-election this year poses real problems for our nation, and our democracy. They stand for nothing but division and chaos.

Will you stand with my campaign against Max Miller to reject divisive politics and promote a more inclusive and constructive future for Ohio? Your contribution will directly support our efforts to oust this kind of behavior that undermines the true needs of our communities.



Matthew Diemer

Democratic Candidate for Congress OH-7


Diemer for Congress

P.O. Box 40042
Bay Village, Ohio 44140


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