Dear Members and Associates,
This is a reminder that we will be holding our first online meeting in place of our regular monthly meeting today at 4 PM. The link to join is at the bottom of this message. I advise you to download Zoom on your desktop, tablet, or phone ahead of time so that you don't struggle with it at the last minute. You can also dial in with a regular phone and participate. For voting purposes, if we have more than a small group, let's try asking for nays and abstentions first, then count silence as yay.
Agenda (need volunteer for minutes)
1. Introductions
2. Approve super spare minutes from last meeting.
2. Suggestions and approval for agenda additions
3. Organizing possibilities in the face of Covid-19
- Solidarity Fund
- Pressure campaign to support at risk, high need populations
- Public education, outreach
- Increased zoom use for other purposes (general education)
- Supporting Ilhan Omar's legislation (link to her recent bills).
- Suggest forming a temporary Covid-19 working group to meet regularly and communicate ideas with chapter.
- Other ideas
4. Forming an electoral committee, perhaps out of the Bernie committee. People are still running, and we should be prepared for endorsement requests. Our current procedure can be seen in our bylaws.
5. Housing Committee report
6. Education update
7. Treasurer's report
8. Secretary's report
9. Other business
10. Scot leads us in song (just a joke, but if anyone wants to do anything fun or different during this meetup, please do so).
In Solidarity
John Krumm
Twin Ports DSA
Join Zoom Meeting at 4 pm
Meeting ID: 615 658 364
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Meeting ID: 615 658 364
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