We’re only five days away from our very first fundraising deadline.
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Portrait of First Lady Tammy Murphy

Hi — Five days from now, my team is going to close the books on our first monthly fundraising goal of the 2024 election year.

It's an important moment because this goal will set the tone for the rest of our campaign, and right now, we’re about 120 donations short of where we need to be. I’d be deeply grateful if you chip in to help reach our goal.

Here’s a personal link to chip in before our first deadline: actblue.com/donate/[email protected]

Since launching this campaign for the U.S. Senate, I've traveled across New Jersey to meet parents, students, workers, faith leaders, and voters of every background. I’ve heard their concerns, and I’m determined to run a campaign that focuses on the solutions.

We’re fighting for streets safe from gun violence, good jobs for our residents, communities prepared against climate change, and to keep politicians out of women’s health care decisions.

We’re sharing a positive message about restoring honesty, integrity, and selflessness to Washington DC.

And we’re running a campaign that brings everyone to the table to solve the biggest problems of our day. I’ll leave no New Jerseyan behind in this fight for a better state and nation.

My campaign isn’t just about bringing new leadership to the Senate; it’s about building the power to create change at every level. That’s going to take a strong grassroots team ready to do the hard work that change requires, and that’s why I’m asking for your support today.

Here’s a personal link again: actblue.com/donate/[email protected]

It’s an honor to have you with me in this fight, and I hope to see you on the campaign trail very soon.

Thank you,