John –

Trump’s win in NH on Tuesday pretty much sealed it. He’s almost certainly going to be the GOP candidate for president again this year.

He’s promised that if he’s the candidate, GOP money will flood into Minnesota. He’s committed to winning our state.

We can’t let that happen, and we can’t let the wave of GOP money wash out our DFL candidates down ballot.

I’m crisscrossing the state to help drum up support for our local candidates. This is what Democrats need to do to win!

Help power my efforts by making a contribution today!

I count on grassroots contributors like you to keep me going, and Minensota makes it easy for you to help. Here’s how:

Each year Minnesotans can give up to $75 to a state level candidate (like me!) and the state of Minnesota will refund you for the contribution.

This means that a married couple can give up to $150 without it costing them a thing!

Please, make your PCR eligible contribution today and help me keep fighting to elect DFLers up and down the ballot this fall.

Thank you,



Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States