Dear John, Earlier this week, in a heart-wrenching display of urgency, CODEPINK and Teachers Against Genocide descended upon the Senate with a crowd of children and parents demanding they stop the murder of children in Gaza. Israel’s US-backed bombardment of Gaza has created a harrowing reality where children are forced to miss out on their education to plead with our lawmakers for an end to Israel’s senseless killing. Israel has murdered over 12,000 children in Gaza since October 7. 👉 If you’re in the US, tell the Senate to vote “NO” on more money for Israel! For the last three months we’ve witnessed horrific images of children in Gaza limbless, lifeless, orphaned, or shaking with fear from Israel’s US-backed bombardment. We forget that our children are witnessing that, too. Is this the world the US and Israel wants them to grow up in? Knowing they aren’t protected from being murdered without a second thought? Lilia, a 12 year old girl who attended the trip to Congress, asked the Senators, “Would you kill me for being in the way?” Our elected officials should be ashamed. While children are having to lobby the Senate to stop bombing kids, they’re busy deliberating if they should spend $106 billion more on weapons and war—$14 billion of which would go to Israel. The rest will go to the war in Ukraine, funding for patrol agents at the U.S.-Mexico border wall, and weapons and bases to surround China with. Instead of doing the bare minimum and calling for a ceasefire, which only 5 senators have done, they are planning to enable Israel to murder even more Palestinians. We need to continue to tell them that this is not where we want our taxpayer money to go! Join the children in telling Congress to stop backing Israel! 👉 If you live in the US, send a letter to the senate! There will be a portion for you and your family to add your own message to the senators. Fill this space with your humanity, whether it's a call for a ceasefire, asking them to vote “no” on the supplemental funding package, or simply telling them how disappointed you are at their inaction! 👉 You can also print out a postcard to color in with your child or grandchild, write a message to Congress together as a family, and mail it in! Send us a photo so we can share your message! If you live outside the US but you still want to take action, we invite you to join us and others in the #FastforGaza. We have 30 fasters committed to 200 calories a day, the amount the average Gazan receives. You can commit to a few days of fasting or continue until there is a ceasefire in Gaza. Please send us a photo of your 200 calorie meal so that we can amplify your efforts! We encourage you to donate the money you would have spent on the rest of the day’s food to Gaza. 👉 There’s plenty of ways to take action:
Peace, |
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