Protect birds in 2024.
We need your help to protect birds
We’re just days away from the end of the first month of 2024, but there is still time to make a resolution for vulnerable birds this year.

According to the 2022 State of the Birds report, Snowy Owls are an “on alert” bird, having lost 50% of their population from 1970-2019. This species and others are counting on sustained conservation efforts to ensure they’ll be around to bring joy to future generations.
Give Annually
That’s why we need dedicated bird lovers like you to resolve to protect vulnerable birds now. If you start an annual contribution right now, your first gift will be matched up to $50,000 for vulnerable birds—like the Snowy Owl. Can we count on your help?
National Audubon Society
Birds Need your Help; Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl.
Match Active
Together, we can make an impact for birds in 2024.
Still looking for a 2024 resolution? Please consider making one for birds! With two-thirds of North American species at increasing risk of extinction from climate change, there’s not a moment to lose to protect the birds we love. Will you resolve to defend species like the Snowy Owl, Piping Plover, and American Goldfinch?

We want to make 2024 the year of the bird, , and it’s going to take all of us working together to protect them given the many challenges they currently face. In order to start this year off strong, please give a gift that helps protect birds like the Snowy Owl for years to come. If you start an annual gift right now, your first will be matched 2X up to $50,000 thanks to a generous group of donors.
What can you give to protect birds?
The Snowy Owl's Arctic habitat is especially vulnerable to climate change. That’s why our public lands and Alaska teams are working tirelessly to educate elected officials on the threats Arctic birds face and urge for protections in priority habitats like the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area.
The birds we love need protection
Bird Icon.
Snowy Owls have been listed as a “vulnerable” species since 2017.
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The Snowy Owl has lost 50% of its population from 1970-2019.
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We are working to permanently protect important Snowy Owl habitat from oil and gas developments.
But time is of the essence, and drastic action needs to happen now.

With the first month of 2024 almost over, we need your help to make the most of new beginnings. Please, will you commit to the long-term protection of birds like the Snowy Owl?


National Audubon Society
Photo: Anton Falco/Audubon Photography Awards. Illustrations: Snowy Owl, Piping Plover, American Goldfinch.
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National Audubon Society
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(844) 428-3826

© 2024 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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