We can't afford to fall behind
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John, MAGA Republicans have been working overtime to increase their outreach to Latino voters:

FIRST: Early last year, POLITICO reported that conservative activists launched a new media company designed to target our communities with right-wing misinformation.

THEN: After Donald Trump met with the company's president at Mar-a-Lago, Univision aired a soft-ball interview with the former president where he made his pitch to Latino voters.

AND NOW: The Republican National Committee has launched a new Spanish-language early voting campaign targeted at Latino voters.

John, we can't let the GOP control the conversation with our communities. Will you pitch in now to help us ramp up our outreach efforts with young Latinos in battleground states?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Here's the good news: Despite the GOP's efforts to target our communities, recent polling shows that young Latinos overwhelmingly support progressive priorities like protecting reproductive freedom, taking action on climate change, and promoting gun safety.

That means if we can register and mobilize more young Latinos than ever before, we can make our voices heard in a resounding way by electing leaders who share our values to the House, Senate, and White House in November.

There are more than 4 million young Latinos across the country who will reach voting age by Election Day. Will you donate now to help us reach them?

Republicans are working desperately to control the conversation in our communities -- and we can't let them. 

— Voto Latino


Our voting rights, health care, reproductive rights, environment, and more are all at stake. For the cost of a cup of coffee a month, you can make a difference in our party, the outcome of future races, and in the lives of our community. Will you commit to a small monthly contribution to help make our voices heard, John?

Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington , DC 20033
United States