Stand up for Publix workers!


We thank Publix workers who, at risk to their own safety, ensure that our communities have the groceries, supplies, and comfort needed during the global Coronavirus pandemic.

The federal government passed emergency legislation mandating that employers provide paid leave in this crisis, but they left out the largest companies, companies with over 500 employees are exempted from providing paid sick leave to workers. Publix supermarkets employ nearly 200,000 employees and has not increased paid sick leave for its workers. Over 50% of Publix workers have no sick leave.

If Publix workers are unable to take paid sick leave, they will be forced to choose between taking unpaid sick time and not feeding their family, or working sick and potentially getting others sick. This is a choice that no one should have to make.

Sign on to this petition to mandate that Publix CEO Todd Jones expand paid leave for all of its workers, and send a message that Senator Scott and Governor DeSantis should push companies to protect public health and expand paid leave immediately.

In Unity,
Andrea Cristina Mercado
Executive Director
New Florida Majority


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New Florida Majority
10800 Biscayne Blvd. Ste. 1050
Miami, FL 33161 United States