January LGBTIQ news and updates
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** Here Are Our Updates!
January 2024
Outright International Monthly Newsletter
We hope your new year is off to a good start and that you are ready to continue the work to support LGBTIQ issues. This newsletter is bringing you exciting updates and news from our work in the Philippines and more on inclusive economy from Outright's Ging Cristobal and Andrew Park. Additionally, we're inviting advocates to take part in our Pride Around the World survey that will set the framework of our fourth report on how LGBTIQ communities celebrate Pride across the globe. Let's not forget a great spotlight of five drag performers from five countries talking about drag as a form of self-expression and political activism. Read the full newsletter and get involved in our work. Share it with your community who might be interested in joining the fight for human rights for LGBTIQ people across the globe.
Ging Cristobal Talks about our Work in the Philippines ([link removed])
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"If acceptance is conditional, it's still not acceptance," shares Ging Cristobal, our Project Coordinator for Asia and the Pacific Islands. Check out the video to learn more about our intersectional work to fight for the equal rights of LGBTIQ people in the Philippines.
Drag Is a Powerful Avenue for Self-Expression and Political Activism ([link removed])
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The concept of Drag has been seen since ancient forms of entertainment and art, and it has grown to be an integral part of pop culture. The LGBTIQ community speaks of how Drag has been an avenue of hope and saved their lives at times. We talked to five drag performers from five countries about their art and message. Dive into each of their stories about how Drag can be a powerful global avenue for self-expression and political activism. Read more here ([link removed]) .
Take Our Pride Around the World Survey ([link removed])
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With seed support from Google.org, Outright launched our annual Pride Around the World report in 2021. In 2023, our findings were mapped out in this interactive layout ([link removed]) to showcase the different forms of Pride. Pride doesn’t always take the form of marches or parades; it has evolved to include festivals, performances, social events, press conferences, and more. As we start working on the new report, we want you to share your experience of Pride this past year, whether it was a protest, a parade, or an organized gathering. Take our survey for the upcoming Pride Around the World report by February 15! Available in English ([link removed]) , French ([link removed]) , or Spanish ([link removed]) .
Andrew Park on Inclusive Economy ([link removed])
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In line with the discussion at our 9th annual OutSummit on inclusive economy ([link removed]) , Andrew Park, our Senior Advisor for Inclusive Development, continues this conversation in this video. Andrew, emphasizes how we all deserve access to health, education, and workplace opportunities. Learn more about how exclusion and discrimination affect economies and what we're doing to make the world more inclusive for LGBTIQ people everywhere.
Join Our Outstanding Legacy Circle ([link removed])
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When there’s a WILL, there’s a way! Join ([link removed]) our Outstanding Legacy Circle ([link removed]) and help make our long-term vision for global LGBTIQ equality a reality. The Outstanding Legacy Circle is a special group of supporters who want to invest in Outright’s future by making us a beneficiary of your will, retirement plan, life insurance, trusts, or other estate planning mechanisms. Outstanding Legacy Circle members also receive special updates and VIP invitations to select Outright events. And now, through our new partnership with FreeWill, US-based donors can easily create or add us to your will online, for free!
Outright at CSW68: March 11 to 22, 2024 ([link removed])
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This year, CSW is the 68th session and will take place from March 11 to 22, 2024, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York under the priority theme Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective.
Outright International will be collaborating with other organizations to have meaningful parallel events on the priority theme and the upcoming Summit of the Future. We also plan for meetings with some UN agencies, UN member state delegations, and other relevant stakeholders throughout the CSW period. Learn more here ([link removed]) .
Celebration of Courage: June 3, 2024 ([link removed])
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Celebration of Courage ([link removed]) will take place in New York City on Monday, June 3, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. ET. Purchase your sponsorship ([link removed]) , table ([link removed]) , or tickets ([link removed]) today! Celebration of Courage is Outright’s annual awards and gala. It is an evening of inspiration and community supporting human rights for LGBTIQ people everywhere. Celebration of Courage highlights Outright’s achievements and elevates and advances activists and our allies, leading the charge to gain equal rights for LGBTIQ people in their countries and worldwide. To see what we have in store for you, check out our Celebration of Courage 2023 photos ([link removed]) .
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** Our Story
Learn more ([link removed]) about our story, brand pillars and historical timeline.
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** Insights
Please go to our Insights ([link removed]) page for announcements and perspectives, including commentaries and thought leadership articles.
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** Events
We offer our donors and supporters the opportunity to attend virtual, in-person, and hybrid gatherings. Check out ([link removed]) our events page for updates.
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** Media Room
Explore ([link removed]) our press releases, media kit, and other helpful resources.
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