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Statements on Coronavirus Pandemic & Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Dear Friends of Angie,
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Thank you to everyone who has reached out to the campaign to see where we are at during the COVID 19 Pandemic. As we work to slow the spread of the Coronavirus, we face many unknowns. One thing we do know is that this virus crosses party lines and so does the solution. We have amazing grassroots, local, and state leadership working tirelessly to ensure our communities can access their basic needs. We must stand together, protect one another, and be kind to one another. Together we are #NebraskaStrong.
Click here for Angie's full Statement on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Angie has always prioritized working class and low income families, people without housing, people without access to healthcare, undocumented people, and so many more Nebraskan’s. We know that this will impact more than just our elderly and immunocompromised. We see you and are with you. Angie is committed to utilizing every platform she has to ensure your voices are heard. Unlike current Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, who voted NO on the Families First Coronavirus Response bill, despite it having overwhelming bipartisan support (90-8)!
Click here for Angie's full statement on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

The campaign will be holding off on all public events and door to door canvassing and heeding to the advice of experts like those at UNMC. Our staff is communicating through phone conferencing, emails, and texts. We will be making a mass effort towards calling voters and volunteers for that are appreciated. Please reach out to the campaign if you can volunteer with phone calls: [email protected]. We do have yard signs on the way and will determine how to get those safely delivered to folks once they arrive.

Please join Angie for a virtual townhall this Sunday, March 22nd 7-8pm CST! There's a lot of very important issues to discuss, so we hope you can join us.
Please click here to register for the townhall.

Vote By Mail!
We are encouraging Vote by Mail and understand that we will need massive outreach and education on that and we are working on addressing that as well. The Nebraska Democratic Party is working hard on this also, and we are thankful for their efforts.

Take care of yourselves and do your part to #FlattenTheCurve by listening to medical professionals about social distancing and self quarantining, as well as continuing to practice good hygiene.
If you are struggling to access your basic needs, please reach out to the campaign and we will do our best to connect you with resources. Contact us here.

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In Solidarity,
Team Angie 2020

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