Team, Donald Trump's victory in New Hampshire has ENERGIZED his base.

Here in Delaware, Lisa's opponents have been working night-and-day to outpace our campaign and defeat us on Election Day.

Trump and McConnell want nothing more than to flip Delaware red and retake the Senate Majority to pass their extremist agenda: throwing away the Affordable Care Act, cracking down on reproductive rights, and further eroding voting rights.

It's almost unthinkable.

We can't spare a single expense on our fight to keep Delaware blue, especially now that Trump has shown that he's ready to reclaim total control over the Republican Party.

Will you rush any amount – $5, $25, or even $50 – to help elect Democrat Lisa Blunt Rochester to the Senate and deny Donald Trump a victory in one of the GOP's most sought after states?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

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– Team Lisa Blunt Rochester