ACT NOW Campaigns Powered by Patriots Like You!Over 161+ Million Real Actions Direct to Law Makers, Helping to Pass More Than 220 Bills Nationwide in Just Minutes a Day!Friends, these timely campaigns play a strategic role in persuading elected officials on issues they are considering now. The updated ‘Stop the Border Invasion’ campaign addresses the Senate’s disastrous bi-partisan border negotiations that do nothing to slow illegal crossings. We thank you for your support and participation! Tired of the Rhetoric; We Rise and Act with Conviction! Support Our Work and Become a Member as We Fight to Double Our Impact in 2024!Special Offer: Receive a free autographed copy of “Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom”, with a donation of $35 or more, while supplies last! Subscribe Today!Empower Your Day: News without Rhetoric, Actions that Matter!Invite your friends and earn rewardsIf you enjoy Act for America, share it with your friends and earn rewards when they subscribe. |