And just like that, the tiger became a pussycat.
House Bill 789, by Rep. Toby Overdorf, R-85, originally sought to crush environmental lawsuits by forcing those who lose a challenge to a Florida Department of Environmental Protection or water management district decision to pay the “prevailing party’s” legal fees. But a committee substitute bill was filed, deleting Section 1 (the “prevailing party” provision) and Section 4 (streamlining the coastal development process to make it more “efficient,” likely via less oversight). The House Water Quality, Supply & Treatment Subcommittee approved this version of the bill Wednesday.
We warned you about this bill back in December; and over the past week in particular citizens bombarded lawmakers in Tallahassee with calls and emails, which likely played a big role in the decision to change the proposal.
There’s no guarantee the bad provisions won’t rise from the dead. There remain questions as to the Senate companion bill, SB 738, which passed its first committee stop and will be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee Monday. So we’re not doing a touchdown dance just yet.
But if you spoke out against HB 789, know your voice had an impact. And let’s put legislators on notice: There’s lots more where that came from.