Hi John,
Director of Precious Life, Bernadette Smyth sent a message of support to the Annual March for Life in Washington, USA (click on the video above to view)
Tens of thousands of people from across the USA marched through the Nation's Capital for the 51st annual March on Friday (19th Jan). The theme of this year's March was "With Every Woman, For Every Child!"

Unbothered as snow and freezing temperatures swept D.C., the pro-life activists gathered on the National Mall for a rally ahead of a march from the U.S. Capitol to the Supreme Court building. Several U.S. lawmakers, including House Speaker Mike Johnson, celebrities; faith leaders; and prominent figures in the pro-life movement addressed the crowd for about an hour before the march began. Participants carried signs with messages such as "Life is precious" and "I am the pro-life generation."
One of the many incredible testimonials was from Aisha, who was empowered to choose life for her twins because of the support she received from a Pregnancy Resource Centre. (Check out the video below...)
Precious Life also sent messages of support to the Annual March for Life in France. Organisers of the Marche Pour La Vie in Paris estimated 50,000 attended the event on 21st January. As always, the young people were out spreading joy and hope. Check out this video below...
Precious Life were out on Saturday for our Street Outreach in Belfast and Derry. We had a great response from people signing our pro-life petition. Members of the public were also appalled to learn of Belfast City Council's proposed new bye-laws to ban our weekly Street Outreach. We distributed hundreds of our new Protect Free Speech Campaign leaflets and everyone who received one made a commitment to respond to the Public Consultation and tell Belfast City Council to uphold and protect religious liberties and free speech.
If you would like to distribute our new PROTECT FREE SPEECH Campaign leaflets, contact us on on 02890278484 or email [email protected]. and we can send you as many as you need.

We'll be out on the streets again this Saturday for another STREET OUTREACH in Belfast City Centre. And our peaceful Pro-Life Vigils at the abortion centres continue throughout the week. If you can join us, give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected].
The Precious Life Communications Team