Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Trump Trounces Haley
When Ron DeSantis dropped out of the Republican presidential contest Sunday, Nikki Haley got the “two-person race” she wanted. Last night, she got trounced by Donald Trump.
Some pundits are claiming that Haley “overperformed” in New Hampshire and earned the right to fight on. Let’s be honest: Trump’s 12-point win was a landslide.
Here’s the bottom line: If you’re going to win, you’ve got to win somewhere. For a variety of reasons, New Hampshire was Haley’s best chance for an upset, and it didn’t happen. Here are some additional points to consider.
- Exit polls showed that Trump’s victory was comprehensive. He won 74% of Republican primary voters.
- He trounced Haley among men and narrowly beat her among women.
- He won every age category, with his highest margin coming among 18-29 year-olds.
- He massively won voters who described themselves as “very” or “somewhat conservative,” while Haley won voters who described themselves as “moderate” or “liberal.”
- Voters who said illegal aliens should be deported backed Trump 76% to 23% for Haley, while those who support offering illegal aliens a chance for legal status (amnesty) backed Haley 68% to 28%.
- Haley won 64% of “independent” and “undeclared voters,” which included a significant percentage of Democrats.
- Haley’s allies suggest that we need a candidate who can attract independent voters. But these were not normal independent voters. As we have noted, there was a concerted effort by the left, including the Never Trump movement, to damage Trump in the New Hampshire primary.
- In national polls, Trump is leading Joe Biden among self-described “independents” by double-digit margins, which is why he is leading Biden in virtually every national poll.
- Haley spent $31 million in New Hampshire. Trump spent about half that.
- Haley and other candidates have spent $167 million so far attacking Trump. He has spent $34 million.
- Trump is the first candidate in 48 years to win both Iowa and New Hampshire in contested races. That could be a total fluke. It’s more likely a sign of Trump’s strength within the GOP.
Some commentators are criticizing Trump’s remarks at his victory speech last night. Well, Haley continued her theme of suggesting that Trump is mentally unstable and “a loser.” She also attempted to declare a victory of sorts last night, even though she lost, and she vowed to fight on to South Carolina, prolonging the battle for another month.
In the meantime, Haley is also going to lose another contest before South Carolina. The Nevada caucuses will take place in two weeks, and Haley is not seriously competing there.
Not surprisingly, there is growing pressure on Haley to drop out. After seeing last night’s results, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called for the party to unite behind Donald Trump.
Fox Does It Again
In recent years, I have heard from many people who are concerned that Fox News is increasingly a mouthpiece for the establishment wing of the Republican Party. There has been a noticeable change for the worse since former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who hates Trump and populism, joined the Fox board.
Last night, as the New Hampshire returns were coming in, every network reported that Trump was up 10 points or more over Haley. But Fox reported Trump’s lead as much narrower, and their commentators kept touting the fact that Haley was within single digits.
Where was Fox News getting its numbers? Why were they so different from what all the other left-wing networks were reporting? Why were they wrong?
Your Feedback Please
We’ve come to another critical juncture in the 2024 presidential contest, and I would deeply appreciate receiving your feedback on where you stand.
Question 1. Should Nikki Haley drop out and allow the party to unite behind Trump? Or should she stay in and fight on through Super Tuesday in March?
Question 2. If Haley wins the GOP nomination, will you vote for her in November or will you not vote in November?
Question 3. If Donald Trump wins the GOP nomination, will you vote for him in November or will you not vote in November?
Please use this link to respond.
Biden Wins
Even though he refused to participate in the New Hampshire Democrat primary, Joe Biden still managed to defeat two challengers who did aggressively compete for the support of Granite State voters.
As you may know, the Democrat National Committee decided to “punish” Iowa and New Hampshire this year by stripping both states of their “first in the nation” status.
Progressive activists insist that both states are just “too white” to hold that honor. Never mind that Barack Obama won the Iowa caucuses and almost defeated Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire.
But Democrat operatives began to worry that Biden might get embarrassed by the results this year. So, they orchestrated a write-in campaign on his behalf.
Last night, Biden won 54% of the vote. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota received 20%, author Marianne Williamson got 5% and 18% of the vote went to “other and unprocessed write-ins.”
Democrat Divisions
We reported recently that JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, a left-of-center Democrat, warned liberals to stop demonizing millions of Americans who support Trump and the MAGA movement. Dimon said they’re good people who just want economic growth, secure borders and a strong country.
Now Dean Phillips, who is challenging Biden in the Democrat primary, is essentially saying the same thing. Here’s what he said on CNN yesterday:
“I went to a Donald Trump rally a couple nights ago. Never been to one. I had an event across the street. I saw the line of people waiting in the cold for hours, and I thought, what the heck!
“I met probably 50 Trump people waiting in line. Every single one of them, thoughtful, hospitable, friendly -- all of them so frustrated that they feel nobody’s listening to them but Donald Trump. A diverse crowd. People who had never been to a Trump event before. My party is completely delusional right now, and somebody had to wake us up.”
Meanwhile, Joe Biden is facing increasing divisions within his own party over his open borders policies and his alleged support for Israel. (Behind the scenes, Biden is undermining Israel and Netanyahu.)
Biden’s speech in northern Virginia yesterday was repeatedly interrupted by Hamas supporters, and now there is an effort by radical teachers to rescind the National Education Association’s endorsement until he manages to impose a permanent cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.
Harry Truman, who was the first world leader to recognize the independence of the modern state of Israel, must be rolling over in his grave!
