Ground Game Texas


This news is some of the worst we’ve ever heard, and it illustrates the cruelty, and sheer lack of humanity, of the ruling Texas Republican Party.

According to the Houston Chronicle: “Texas saw an estimated 26,313 rape-related pregnancies during the 16 months after the state outlawed all abortions, according to a study published Wednesday in the Hournal of the American Medical Association.”

This number is the highest figure among the 14 states with total abortion bans, and reflects the enormous destructive impact of this state’s reproductive policies.

As I digest this news, I’m reminded of people and organizations who live outside of Texas, who decline to support political work here because “it’s too hard” or “there are better opportunities elsewhere.” You can see how such a viewpoint is completely unacceptable, as it condemns some of our most vulnerable Americans to suffer at the hands of this right-wing, extremist, violently-oppressive regime.

The only thing we can do is fight. As an organization, Ground Game Texas shares our love and solidarity with survivors of sexual violence. We are committed to fighting this injustice, to ending this injustice, in every way that we can.

With determination,

Julie Oliver
Ground Game Texas