
We're at a crossroads in Ohio, facing some of the most extreme anti-transgender legislation in the nation.

Gov. Mike DeWine and the Ohio GOP are pushing regulations that the ACLU has rightly called out as “the single most extreme set of regulations governing medical treatment for transgender adults anywhere in the United States” and “wholly out of step with contemporary medical guidelines.”

Let's be crystal clear: this isn't about protecting anyone. It's a direct attack on the rights and dignity of individuals of all ages or gender identity. By targeting vulnerable trans youth as well as adults, these policies increase the risk of mental health crises and suicide in an already at-risk group. 

It's fearmongering and control masquerading as governance.

I refuse to stand by and watch this happen. I stand for the personal freedom of families to make their own healthcare decisions with their doctors. Healthcare choices, especially those as sensitive and personal as gender-affirming care, should be made by individuals and medical professionals, not politicians looking to score points with the MAGA base.

But I can't fight this battle alone. I need your help to stand against these dangerous and discriminatory policies. Your support for our campaign is a statement against this overreach and a step towards a more inclusive, respectful Ohio:

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Thank you for supporting us in this critical fight for personal freedom and the rights of all Ohioans. Together, we can send a message that hate and fear have no place in our state.


Jerrad Christian

Candidate for Congress (OH-12)

P.S. Your contribution is more than just a donation; it's a stand against discrimination and a move towards protecting the rights of every member of our community. Let's create an Ohio where everyone is respected and free to make their own healthcare decisions:


Mail checks to:

Citizens for J Christian

P.O. box 315

Galena, OH 43021