Wes Moore for Maryland


On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court issued its landmark decision in Roe v. Wade to protect a woman’s right to choose — enshrining reproductive rights for decades to come.

Republicans have spent that time since then doing everything in their power to overturn Roe — and they were successful. The Supreme Court ruled in their favor in 2022 to overturn 50 years of legal precedent.

The right to safe, legal abortion access is no longer guaranteed at the federal level in this country, leaving states free to decide the fate of abortion access. Leaving the right to abortion to states means right-wing controlled state and local governments can strip this right from women across the country. The government should not have this kind of control over women’s bodies.

Not only did the Supreme Court’s decision endanger the lives of millions of women, but we’ve also seen women facing criminal charges for traumatic miscarriages or stillbirths since 2022.

When I ran for Governor, I promised to make Maryland a safe haven for abortion access — and I am keeping good on that promise.

In 2023, I signed historic legislation to protect reproductive rights in Maryland. And next, I am working on enshrining abortion rights into our state constitution to protect abortion access for future generations. We will not back down on supporting what’s right.

Our responsibility to fiercely protect and defend the right to an abortion could not be more urgent. The Moore-Miller administration will always stand firmly in support of reproductive freedoms. Abortion care is health care.

