The following news item is being sent to DACF subscribers as a courtesy.
The first Northeast Regional Food Business Center newsletter was recently released. We are sharing for your awareness and consideration to learn more about the Center and subscribe to future newsletters.?
Welcome Message from NASDA Foundation Senior Director, Chris Jones
Welcome to the Northeast USDA Regional Food Business Center! Over the next five years, our work will be centered in not only supporting more robust and durable food supply chains but building connectivity and accessibility in food system networks that span from the District of Columbia?to Maine.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, devastating floods in New England and a wide array of other challenges that have faced our food and farm communities, our aim is to create a resource hub and two sets of funding streams that are both flexible and adaptive to any future obstacles and potential growth opportunities in the region.
As we launch funding streams this year, we will be announcing a series of webinars and information sessions focused on providing guidance for applications and answering questions about the Center?s overall mission and core objectives. I would encourage you to continue engaging with us by attending those events, visiting the Center?s website or seeing us in-person at one of the upcoming regional conferences we?ll be attending.?