Here are 24 reasons why we could use your help

Paid for by Arizona Democrats

Team — Is there anything we could say to convince you to pitch in $24 monthly to support our team?


Need a bit more convincing? Here are 24 reasons why your contribution today will help us flip this state blue:

  1. Arizona is abortion’s next battleground. Your contribution helps our efforts to support signature collection to get abortion on the ballot this November.

  2. Though over a quarter of a million Arizonans have already signed the petition to get abortion on the ballot this November, anti-abortion legislators are still working to ban the procedure nationwide. Just this week Andy Biggs (AZ-05) introduced legislation to force folks to view an ultrasound before they’re allowed to receive abortion care.

  3. Protecting champions for choice like Governor Hobbs and AG Mayes has never been more crucial. National Republicans are continuing to attack abortion care, but pro-choice state leaders have refused to back down to extremists working to lock up providers and criminalize care.

  4. Donald Trump is on his way to Arizona THIS FRIDAY and will no doubt continue his lies and baseless claims about the 2020 election. He’s all but locked in the GOP Presidential nomination — which means we have to send President Joe Biden back to the White House.

  5. Trump has promised to rule as a dictator, beginning on DAY ONE. He’s begun to build his loyalty cabinet, surrounding himself with sycophants who are more concerned with his approval than serving the American people.

  6. The GOP has firmly become the party of Donald Trump. The opponents that once called for the party to move past Donald Trump have endorsed his campaign. He’ll use his position as the GOP’s leading presidential candidate to rake in MILLIONS from wealthy right-wing donors and dark money groups.

  7. Kari Lake, Blake Masters, The Q Anon Shaman, and so many other right-wing extremists are on the ballot this year. We have to support energizing Dems to defeat them ALL and protect our democracy.

  8. Kari has forged ahead as the Arizona GOP’s leading Senate candidate, even though strategists across the aisle were calling her campaign a “nightmare.”

  9. Kari herself has claimed to be “Trump in a dress,” her extremism was resoundingly rejected by Arizonans once, and with a strong grassroots coalition, we can do it again.

  10. Across the board, Democrats are getting things done. From Secretary Fontes making investments to secure our elections, to AG Mayes stepping up to protect Arizona’s communities from private, harmful mining, Democrats are keeping everyday folks their top priority.

  11. Meanwhile, even Republicans are admitting that they’ve done nothing — Whether it’s been Chip Roy from Texas screaming on the House floor, asking his colleagues to name one productive thing they’ve done with the majority, or Byron Donald calling the Republican conference a joke, Republican legislators know that their party is the unproductive party of Donald Trump.

  12. Democrats are only FIVE seats away from a pro-worker, pro-choice majority in the House. Flipping even ONE seat in Arizona could put power back in the hands of everyday folks, not the special interests that fund the GOP.

  13. The GOP has proved they’re beholden to special interests, NOT the everyday folks that they swore to represent. In late December, David Schweikert (AZ-01) pushed people to begin using Ozempic as a weight-loss drug and a way to cut the deficit (Ozempic is NOT cleared by the FDA as a weight-loss solution). Then David received a contribution from Big Pharma — it’s clear who’s calling the shots.

  14. Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-09) votes with MAGA extremist, Georgia Representative Majorie Taylor Greene over 96% of the time, and recently in a campaign fundraising email lamented the lack of white recruits in the Army.

  15. Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ-05), and Rep. Eli Crane (AZ-02) alongside the rest of the House Freedom Caucus threw the House into chaos last year in a move to oust the now former Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

  16. The new speaker, Mike Johnson raised over $10.6 MILLION in his first quarter in leadership, and will no doubt use that money to protect seats right here in Arizona. 

  17. Crane is threatening to throw the House into a stalemate for the second time — when asked about the possibility of ousting Speaker Mike Johnson, he responded that it was “absolutely” a possibility.

  18. Our margin of victory is even closer in the statehouse — we’re just one seat away from equal representation in the chamber, and TWO seats away from a majority that prioritizes everyday Arizonans.

  19. Remember how we said Dems are getting it done? We meant it — Dems in our state legislature recently introduced legislation to ban discrimination against LGBTQ+ in hiring, housing, and public accommodations. 

  20. Arizona Democrats are heading into our state legislative session with Arizonans’ key priorities in mind. From protecting our water to addressing rising prescription drug costs, our legislative priorities are the kitchen-table issues that affect every Arizonan.

  21. Without a strong grassroots base, we wouldn’t have elected Governor Katie Hobbs, who continues to be a servant for Arizona’s working families. More Arizonans have good-paying jobs than at any point in our state’s history.

  22. Governor Hobbs is working to make sure that home ownership is affordable for Arizonans, and recently introduced the “Arizona is Home” program which will invest over $89 million dollars to develop affordable housing and address the homelessness crisis.

  23. We’ll be honest, recurring, monthly contributions made up over 40% of our online contributions last quarter. We rely on a strong base of monthly donors to plan ahead and respond to anything that comes our way.

  24. By making your first $24 monthly investment today, you’ll have given over $240 to support Dems in Arizona by Election Day. 

So please, if you’re ready to flip Arizona all the way blue this November, join our base of monthly grassroots supporters and help us fuel our strategy.


Thanks for your continued support, 

Arizona Democratic Party

P.S. If now isn’t the best time to begin a recurring contribution, we understand and appreciate your support at whatever amount you can give today. Click below to make a one-time contribution.

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