Hi Arena Community,

I wanted to update you on our plans for Arena Academy Orlando.

Two weeks ago we announced that Arena Academy Charlotte would be going digital. We don’t know yet whether we’ll do the same for our upcoming Academy in Orlando in May, but either way we are 100% committed to flipping the Florida State House by training the next generation of campaign staff, whether that training happens in-person or online.

Apply by 4/3 to join our Academy and work closely with campaign veterans who will not only train you but collaborate with campaigns on the ground to help get you hired.

I hope to see your name on our list of applicants, Arena Community. There are only two weeks left before the deadline.



On Mar 9, 2020, at 6:49 PM, Ravi Gupta <[email protected]> wrote:

Arena Community,

The quality of applications we received for Arena Academy Charlotte showed me North Carolina Republicans will face a real challenge in November.

But we’re far from done. Arena has just opened applications for our next Arena Academy in Florida on May 7-11. This is a great opportunity for people at any experience level to learn what it takes to staff a State House race in one of the most high-profile swing states in the country.

Anyone can apply -- we’ll train you to hit the ground running on a FL race after graduation and work with campaigns on the ground to get you hired.


All experience levels welcome, scholarships available.

We are investigating remote meeting options to accommodate COVID-19 health concerns. Please note that you should expect to block off May 7-11 regardless of whether we meet in person or remotely.

The stakes to flip the State House are high in Florida, where Republicans have snatched control of the House, Senate, and Governor’s office. This trifecta means that even though the GOP’s margins are slim, they’re able to obstruct policies like Medicaid expansion, safer gun laws, and the expansion of voting rights which are favored by the majority of voters.

Not only that, Florida Republicans have circumvented the will of the people by undermining a 2018 ballot initiative that restored voting rights to returning citizens. That’s absolutely unacceptable -- and they’re going to lose their jobs for it.

We need only 13 seats to tie or 14 to flip the Florida State House and cut off the Republican trifecta that has allowed them to pass backwards policy unimpeded.

Apply to Arena Academy to take the fight against far-right policies where it will have the biggest impact: at the state level in one of the most shameless GOP-owned statehouses in the country.

We’re going to end the GOP takeover in Florida. Join us.

Ravi Gupta,
Arena Co-Founder

We convene, train, and support the next generation of candidates and campaign staff.
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