Dear John,

Across Central Asia less than four percent of people have ever heard about Jesus. Many families also lack access to the basic items they need to survive and thrive.

As a widow and mother to several young children with disabilities, Shirin* struggles to provide for her family. When the local Unto® staff team heard about her situation, they wanted to help. They took meals to feed Shirin and her children and shared about Jesus.

At first Shirin was not interested in what they had to say. She faithfully followed the majority religion and had never heard the message of hope before. But the more the team spoke about Jesus, the more she listened intently.

That night Shirin had a dream about Jesus. Moses and Abraham appeared to her. Finally, Jesus came and asked her, “Why don’t you put your trust in Me?” It was the invitation she needed. When she awoke from her dream, she immediately responded to the message!

The next day Shirin excitedly called one of the local staff members to share her decision. She also told her about the difference the team had made in her life.

Shirin had been offered humanitarian aid before by someone else in the village. When the community leader arrived, he photographed Shirin accepting the aid. But to her surprise, he then took it back and left. Shirin was shocked, confused, and saddened by the experience. Those who claimed to care about her situation had not really helped at all.

When Shirin met the in-country staff team, they treated her completely differently. They gave her items she and her children truly needed. They treated her with kindness and dignity and did not want anything in return.

Shirin now wants others to experience the same help and hope. She has told the team about many others in her village with physical and spiritual needs. In just six months, the local team has seen 30 unreached people respond to the message of eternal hope in Jesus!

The gift of meals helped relieve Shirin’s suffering. It also restored her dignity and created an opportunity for the hope of Jesus to be revealed in her home and community.

*Name changed for security purposes

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