Dear John,

How much do the professional politicians hate term limits?

Well, in Florida where USTL activists are battling to impose term limits on county commissioners the commissioners actually used taxpayer money to hire lobbyists to stop term limits.

It's true.  Here's a very brief video of our Executive Director Nick Tomboulides just the other day testifying in Florida about this scandal.

The fact is politicians of all stripes are banding together to stop term limits.  They don't care that an overwhelming majority of Americans want term limits on Congress.  

They will bend the rules, they will lie.  They will work every type of extremist political group on both the left and the right to defeat We the People and term limits.

That's what we are up against.

That's why every state that votes to authorize the Term Limits Convention is a major victory.

If you can, please make a small contribution to our national grassroots efforts to bypass Congress.

The politicians can raid the public treasuries to beat us.

Please do what you can.

Simply click here to donate.


Philip Blumel
U.S. Term Limits

U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 700  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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