The full scope of COVID-19’s impact has yet to be seen, but many Americans have already faced layoffs, reduced hours, and paycheck cuts — not to mention those affected by the virus directly.
Without immediate action from Congress, millions in the United States are confronting an uncertain future. Right now, we need urgent relief to help working families pay the bills and keep their loved ones safe and healthy.
Send a message to Congress: Pass an emergency stimulus package that puts people first.
Senator Mitch McConnell has already unveiled the Republican plan to address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic — a $1 trillion bill filled with corporate giveaways at the expense of working families.
Instead of cutting checks to wealthy corporations, Congress should be directly investing in the frontline communities and working families hardest hit by this public health crisis. We cannot afford to chart a path to economic recovery that leaves anyone behind. Now is the time to expand access to health care services, affordable housing, and education.
Congress must take action to:
- Provide free health care to anyone impacted by COVID-19
- Enact a federal moratorium on evictions/foreclosures & invest in affordable housing
- Give direct cash assistance and/or a universal basic income (UBI)
- Expand unemployment benefits & Medicaid
- Renew current Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients’ statuses and expand DACA
- Close the gap on paid sick leave for all
- Cancel student loan debt
- Expand voting rights and implement universal vote-by-mail
Tell your members of Congress: We need a progressive stimulus package that leaves no one behind.
We must meet this moment with action. Together, we can pass emergency legislation to transform our economy and put us on a stronger, safer, and more equitable path forward.
Thank you,
Ben Wessel
Executive Director
NextGen America