Dear Fellow Texas Republican,
Yesterday, Governor Greg Abbott took another crucial step to defend the health and safety of all Texans by delaying the May 26 Primary Runoff Election to July 14th with early voting scheduled from July 6-10.
We thank Governor Abbott for taking the necessary steps to defend everyone's right to vote while addressing the unprecedented public health emergency facing our great state and nation.
The new date of the Republican Primary Runoff is the Tuesday of our likely new dates for the State Convention in Houston which is on track to be rescheduled for July 13-18. The new date for the Republican Primary Runoff will conflict with Committee Meetings at the State Convention but it will not conflict with the General Meeting days of July 16-18 where we vote on the Platform, elect Party officers and elect delegates to the National Convention.
New terms of local Party leadership elected in the Primary take effect 20 days after the Primary Runoff. We recognize that this means an early August start for the new terms and begins our Party organization much later than we would desire. The Republican Party of Texas is evaluating this situation and will stay in contact with you about it.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we address the impact of Coronavirus on our Conventions and our primary runoff election.