Dan is running to be the 51st vote in the Senate to stop a national abortion ban, expand labor rights, and get corporate money out of politics.


We’re emailing to ask you for $5 to help Dan Osborn defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer in Nebraska.

Here’s why: Dan is running to be the 51st vote in the Senate to stop a national abortion ban, expand labor rights, and get corporate money out of politics.

And a new poll shows Dan Osborn LEADING Republican Deb Fischer by two points!

But Dan’s not taking corporate PAC money like Deb Fischer is. Instead, he’s funding his campaign entirely with donations from everyday people like you.

We can defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer and elect Dan Osborn, but the only way we’ll win is if we hit every fundraising goal so we can fight back against the Super PAC lies.

We’ve set a goal of raising another $10,000 for Dan’s campaign to start 2024 strong, but right now, we’re still short. So we have to ask:

Will you give $5 or more right now – whatever amount you can afford – to help Dan Osborn defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer?

Every dollar you give today will bring us one step closer to winning this November.

Thank you,

Team Osborn