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Jane Austen at seminary?

Our February issue has arrived in mailboxes. It’s our annual theological education issue, which is always one of my favorites. This year’s iteration includes five feature articles that explore a wide array of questions facing seminaries and divinity schools (and prep schools, and computer programmers, and community organizers). Most of these articles haven’t hit our website yet, but here is Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans’s report on how four schools are dreaming and innovating.

On an unrelated note (or is it?), I got the chance to chat with CC Voices columnist Rachel Mann about Jane Austen and the Lenten season. Rachel recently wrote a 40-day reader based on Austen’s novels. Whether you’ve never read Austen (like me) or are a huge fan (like Rachel), I think you might find this conversation interesting and surprising.

Plus more great new content below, including a book review about the importance of understanding parking and an essay about the gradual accumulation of spiritual growth.

Email me: What changes do you anticipate in theological education?

Jon Mathieu
[email protected]

Facing theological ed’s existential crisis

“These four schools have taken different routes to survival, but they share at least one thing in common: they serve as laboratories for an unpredictable future.”

by Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans
Rachel Mann on Jane Austen and Lent

Jon chats with CC Voices columnist Rachel Mann about her new book—a 40-Day Lenten Jane Austen reader.

The cost of parking

“Rather than provide a pamphlet on parking policies and how to change them, Henry Grabar tells us the story of parking in America.”

review by G. Travis Norvell

In the Lectionary for January 28 (Epiphany 4B)

All those years in scribe school count for nothing when one rustic with charisma comes along!

by Benjamin J. Dueholm

Epiphany 4B archives
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Accumulated faith

“Faith is a deeply ingrained condition formed through steady habits, disciplined practices, and reliable instincts that take shape over long stretches of time.”

by Peter W. Marty


“In bitter cold, the grieving wait
for what might rise from shattered
ground . . .”

poem by Sarah Rossiter

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