John, I’ll be blunt: This is the most important ask I have ever made of you. A massive new poll just dropped showing Democrats TIED with Republicans – 47% to 47% – in the race to take back the House. I need a momentous response – 4,000 Democratic gifts before midnight – to protect our progress and ensure MAGA Republicans can’t buy their way to victory. I would be so grateful for any generous gift you can spare to ensure we FLIP the House, DEFEND the Senate, and ensure Donald Trump NEVER returns to power again. Can I count on your $15? >>


I’m going to level with you, John.

If we don’t pick up the pace – QUICKLY – Republicans could win back an anti-Democracy Trifecta.

So I need you to make a crucial choice in this moment.

– We can either let Republicans use this poll to shovel MILLIONS to help Trump and McConnell return to power…

– Or we can step up together and make their plot utterly BACKFIRE.

Please, John: Can I count on your $15 before midnight? Experts say this race will come down to the wire – and I know Republicans are already using this poll to raise MILLIONS of dollars to smear our Democrats with lies and attacks. We can’t afford to fall behind for even a single second. So I’m personally asking: Will you rush in $15 to help Democrats FLIP the House, DEFEND the Senate, and DEFEAT Trump once and for all this November? >>

Chip in $15 now >>
Chip in $25 now >>
Chip in $50 now >>
Chip in $100 now >>
Chip in another amount now >>

Thank you,


Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi is the U.S. Representative for California’s 11th District.

She's fighting to help working families and protect America from the dangerous agenda of House Republicans.

We know you're getting a lot of emails -- but it's only because what we're facing right now as a country is so important.

Nancy is committed to doing whatever it takes to elect a record-breaking number of Democrats in the next election and beyond. Can she count on your support?


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