Ground Game Texas


If you’ve been following the news, you know the 2024 presidential election is heating up. Donald Trump is the likely GOP nominee, and there’s no time to waste to ensure Democrats can still win across Texas.

Here at Ground Game, we have a plan for 2024: ballot measure campaigns in Dallas, Central Texas and the Rio Grande Valley that will turn out progressive voters and boost Democratic candidates up and down the ticket.

Ground Game is committed to getting out the progressive vote in 2024. Chip in $24 for ‘24 today!

In Dallas, our campaign will turn out voters to help flip a Texas House seat that is held by a Republican but has precincts won by Joe Biden in 2020. In Caldwell County, we have a plan to flip two County Commissioner seats, and thus transform the leadership of this Austin-adjacent community from GOP to Democrat. And in the Rio Grande Valley, our campaign will turn out progressive voters in the critical Texas 15th Congressional District.

Ground Game’s ballot measure strategy has proven to motivate progressive voters in key elections. That’s why we’ve already begun collecting signatures to qualify ballot measures across the state.  

Now is the time to invest in Democratic victories in Texas. Please become a sustaining donor today so we can build the foundation for success this November.

With gratitude and determination,

Julie Oliver
Ground Game Texas PAC