How the
Left’s Global Warming Ideology Wrecked Science—And How to Stop
We don’t have a “climate crisis,” we have
a crisis of lying about climate. It’s time for a sensible energy
policy that rejects junk science and promotes prosperity.
A culture of lying has metastasized around the theory of man-made
global warming since its emergence as a prominent political movement
in the 1990s. That it has become
more politics than science is
quite telling.
The lies are everywhere: Unreliable computer modeling has replaced
empirical observation; observed temperature values are manipulated
when they don’t conform to the narrative; the baseless assumptions and
false premises at the root of the theory; the fake consensus of
“experts” and scientists; the fundamental problems with “green
energy”; false claims that storms and wildfires have gotten more
common and severe; and the ever more inaccurate predictions of climate

EXCLUSIVE: Jim Jordan—2024 Election is Last Chance for the
First Amendment in America
Republican Rep. Jim Jordan warns free
speech will go extinct if the Left wins in 2024
Democrat politicians are so deranged they’re seeking to destroy all
dissenting views and voices, Rep. Jim Jordan (R–OH) said in a speech
for the Republican
Women’s Federal Forum at the Capitol Hill Club on
Jan. 18. Restoration News was privileged to cover the event.
Forum chair Terri Hasdorff introduced Jordan as one of the most
conservative members of Congress before he took the mic to describe
how insane the Left has become.

New on First
Right: Frank
Pavone Outlines Future of Pro-Life Movement in Post-Roe
National Director at Priests
for Life Frank Pavone spent years fighting for pro-life causes across
the country. He served as a Catholic Priest, been an outspoken
advocate for the unborn, and works to educate the public about the
dangers of abortion.
The author and commentator is
working on a book with fellow pro-life advocate, Dr. Alveda King,
entitled “Abortion in Black and White” that is due out in time for the
2024 elections. He has described those who promote abortion as
supporting an attack on the “nuclear family,” “humanity” and “Western
civilization,” while preaching there can be “no compromise” when it
comes to the value of human life.
People in America want less
abortion, not more. Watch now for an honest debate about

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