

As we enter 2024, our democracy stands at a crucial juncture, and the decisions made in this election will significantly shape the path of our nation.

The rise of Donald Trump has led to far-right forces becoming more and more prominent, and this has seeped into Congress.


That’s why I’m joining forces with the opponents of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Elise Stefanik, and Darrell Issa to fundraise against far-right extremism. 

Through working together to build our resources, we aim to magnify our message, reach a wider audience, and form a coalition united against the influence of extremism. This collaborative fundraising effort will bolster our campaigns and empower voters to choose responsible, principled leadership.


Will you donate to help our campaigns defeat the MAGA right? Your contribution will directly support grassroots initiatives, targeted outreach to voters, and efforts to counter divisive narratives that pose a threat to our democratic fabric.


By endorsing this joint fundraising initiative, you are investing in a future where leaders prioritize unity, empathy, and collaboration and reject division and extremism.



Matthew Diemer

Democratic Candidate for Congress OH-7


Diemer for Congress

P.O. Box 40042
Bay Village, Ohio 44140


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