Dear John,
Think about this:
Weeks before you had any inkling you were going to lose your job, Senator
Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) was selling off millions of dollars of stocks — and
*buying* stock in a teleworking company.
Weeks before you were scrambling to figure out how to homeschool your
children for who knows how long, Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) was selling
off his stocks in hotel chains and telling wealthy constituents behind
closed doors to prepare for the worst.
Weeks before you were frantically trying to get your college student home
before quarantines went into effect, these senators knew exactly what was
coming — and they took care of their own personal wealth instead of
warning the rest of us.
Weeks before your 401K was completely wiped out, these senators actively
shielded the true severity of the crisis from the public while going out
of their way to protect their own fortunes.
I’m absolutely furious. Even in an era of nonexistent ethics and
unfettered corruption, this is a disgusting new low.
Senators Loeffler and Burr -- and any other senator if found to have
benefited from insider information about the pandemic, including Senator
James Inhofe (R-OK) and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) -- must resign
[ [link removed] ]Please add your name to my joint petition with Democracy for America
calling on these senators to resign right now >>
This despicable behavior cannot go unaddressed.
Together, we must demand that these senators face the consequences for
putting their own financial interest before the health, safety and welfare
of the American people.
[ [link removed] ]ADD YOUR NAME
Thank you for taking action, and remember to stay safe and check in on
your loved ones.
We’re all in this together,
Robert Reich
Former Secretary of Labor
Co-founder, Inequality Media
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