Raise the Wage Renton Update

Join the January Chapter Membership Meeting to discuss our rally to demand Rep. Adam Smith supports a ceasefire! We’ll also be discussing Raise the Wage Renton and the final push:


January Chapter Membership Meeting

This Tuesday, Jan. 23


Southside Commons 

3518 S Edmunds St

Online option available



Seattle DSA is organizing a rally outside the offices of Democratic Party U.S. Congressman Adam Smith, a high ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee - which is tasked with funding and arming US imperialism- to demand he support a ceasefire. While 64 Representatives and Senators have called for a ceasefire, Smith has not. Unfortunately, this is not surprising. Smith has enjoyed lavish donations from the defense industry to fund his election campaigns -  in fact his top 2024 campaign contributions came from the war industries and the pro-Israel lobby!

Moreover, Smith, with the majority of Democrats, voted to approve a record shattering  $886 billion to fund the US military! This during a time when over 60% of working people support a ceasefire - not an escalation! It’s clear that Smith doesn’t represent us; he represents the interests of big business, US imperialism and the weapons-makers who profit from it.

Representatives like Adam Smith are using our tax-dollars to facilitate the slaughter of  Palestinians in Gaza, enable Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land, and to escalate the war in the Middle East by bombing Yemen. We should be using that money for housing and education, not war and occupation!


Canvassing - This Wed. Jan 24 (5 PM - 8 PM)  RSVP here

Canvassing - This Thurs. Jan 25 (5 PM -  8 PM)   RSVP here

Phonebank - This Thurs Jan 25 (6 PM - 8 PM)   RSVP here

Canvassing - This Fri. Jan 26 (6 PM - 8 PM) RSVP here

Canvassing - This Sat. (10 AM - 12 PM) RSVP here
Canvassing - This Sat. (1 PM - 4 PM) RSVP here



📣Ballots Are Being Mailed📣

- After collecting over 13,000 signatures in 2023, we're on the ballot for the Feb. 13th, 2024 Special Election!

- Ballots will be mailed this week!

- This is a winnable campaign where Seattle DSA can make a decisive differences - we need your help!


✊Canvassing continues this weekend! ✊

- Canvasses are resuming in person this weekend! Come help us secure a higher minimum wage!

- Our opponents are mobilizing against us. A “No On 23-02” PAC has officially launched, and https://www.pdc.wa.gov/political-disclosure-reporting-data/browse-search-data/committees/co-2024-35110/contributions in the last three weeks. We'll never be able to match big businesses on fundraising - we need people power to fight back!



- Is getting down to Renton too difficult but you still want to help out? Consider donating.

- We're up against large sums of dark money. Large PACs in Washington representing food, hotels, and restaurant industries are raising thousands of dollars a week to mislead voters. 

- We need donations to print literature, send mailers, pay staff and more - consider donating today at https://secure.anedot.com/raisethewagerenton/donate 


This is our chance to deliver a MASSIVE wealth transfer of $90 million EVERY YEAR from the corporate elite to the working class, especially the most marginalized minimum wage workers! LET'S GO WIN! /