Join us TOMORROW at noon! 

Dear John,

Join us tomorrow from 12:00-1:00pm for CLEO's virtual event, The Free Speech Case against L.A. County with attorney and Palos Verdes School Board trustee Julie Hamill, founder of the Alliance of Los Angeles County Parents.

Julie represents the Alliance in their ongoing lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health for its campaign to silence critics of Director Barbara Ferrer’s universal mask mandate in July 2022.
Initially filed to challenge arbitrary and capricious mandates, the lawsuit evolved into a free speech action challenging the County's censorship of dissenting opinions. 

At issue in the case are the fundamental issues of citizens' First Amendment right to challenge government action in the public forum, and the abuse of authority by local government officials who shut down public comment features on government websites and bullied social media companies to suppress unfavorable content.

You won't want to miss this in-depth discussion on why the case was filed, the department's over-the-top censorship campaign, the issues on appeal, and what the case means for the constitutional rights of every Californian. 

You must register for the event to receive the Zoom link. If you have not yet done so, please register for the webinar here. (If you have already registered, you should have received a reminder email with the Zoom link earlier today.) 

Virtual Event: The Free Speech Case against L.A. County
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Time: 12:00-1:00pm

We're looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Mari Barke 
California Local Elected Officials/
California Policy Center

Register for the Webinar Now
About Julie Hamill:  Julie is a lawyer, mom of three young boys, and a Palos Verdes School Board trustee. She founded the Alliance of Los Angeles County Parents to fight for children via legislative advocacy and litigation. Julie previously served as Chair of the Rancho Palos Verdes Planning Commission and as a member of the City’s Traffic Safety Committee. In the past, she's acted as counsel to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and to the Palos Verdes Homes Association. 

Julie has a formidable following on Twitter and regularly appears on Fox News. Follow her on Twitter at @hamill_law and learn more about the Alliance of Los Angeles County Parents' lawsuit here
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