Just when you think the Kentucky GOP couldn’t be any more extreme, they go and do something like this, John.

You read that correctly, John: the Kentucky GOP is doubling down on the Big Lie and wants to shield the rioters that stormed the capital from consequences.
It’s the exact same thing they’re doing in their defense of Trump.
The GOP has shown their hand, and it’s obvious that their loyalties are to Trump and his conspiracy-loving buddies — not to America, not to Kentucky, and not to working families.
Kicking them out of power requires we do two things, John: flip GOP-held seats wherever we can, and defend blue seats.
I’m ready to do my part by defending KY-03 and keeping this seat blue, but I need your help. Will you please consider chipping in a grassroots donation toward my re-election campaign so we can retake the House in November?
—Morgan McGarvey
